20/02/2016 3/5/600 yrd Shoot

Hi everyone. First of all, COME BACK KONRAD.  We had a bit of a trying day out there trying to come to terms with the computer and it exposed how vunerable we are without someone or two or three of us that can figure the system out. We got two of the four targets going but couldn’t work out what was causing the problems. Fifteen keen shooters turned up which was awesome. Great to see Rod make it on the mound after all his health problems and we all hope you are on the way up again after being laid low for so long. Because we were late starting Rod and Barry had to miss the 600 shoot as the cows needed milking and it was a long day in the sun for Rod. Geoff, Mike, Paul and Fred turned up from the Deer Stalkers and Stu Pearson using his .270 hunting rifle shot very well so we hope he comes back. Thanks to Charles & John for helping in setting up the targets and to Geoff and Bruce for helping put them away and to Phil and Cathy for the boundary flags and Cathy’s tireless efforts in scoring for most of the day and  to everyone else  who helped out during a long day in the hot sun. It makes my day a bit easier if people pitch in and help.

Fred used Bruce’s TR rifle and shot very well so we could have another member shooting both clubs. Mike had a go with Charles FTR rifle and was very impressed with using a top rig. Bruce shot both TR and F class and scored better with the TR rifle but again he also has the best gear. Trevor missed by one point on nailing a 60 at 500. Charles won the day betting me by one point.


Deer Stalkers

                                   300    500    600

Geoff                        41     53       46     =  140

Paul                            43    48       48    =    139   

Fred                          41.1  43.3    48.3   =  132.7

Mike                         36      45        51     =  132

Stu                              52.2  43      45   =      140.2


Charles                55.2       56.3  52.0    =  163.5

John C                  53.0      57.4    52.1   =   162.5

Trevor                  54.5      59.2    48.2   =  161.9

Phil                        52.0       55.3    51.1   =  158.4

John D              52.1         51.0      50.2   =   153.3

Bruce  FO          49.0       49.2      52     =    150.2   

Cathy                  51.2      51.2      40.1    =   142.5

Bruce  TR        47.5        46.1       48       =   141.6

Rhett                  43.0       51.0      41.0   =   135.0

Barry                  53.1      54.2      00      =     107.3

Rod                     54.2      48.1      00      =  102.3